
Emilia Martensson, ”A voice of quite remarkable expressive depth” -(JAZZWISE) is an award-winning London based vocalist originally from Sweden. Emilia has led ensembles that have performed worldwide, including major Jazz Festivals such as The Rochester Jazz Festival in New York, Ljubljana Jazz Festival in Slovenia, and Umeå Jazz Festival in Sweden. Her gently expressive voice and highly personal compositions are firmly rooted within the folklore and countryside of her native southern Sweden, adding to the mystique and allure of a distinctive and truly original artist. Emilia is also known for being part of the MOBO award-winning British contemporary jazz quartet Kairos 4tet, led by Adam Waldmann.
Her latest album, ‘Loredana,’ features the music of enormous delicacy, subtlety, and imagination, not to mention a predilection for the melancholic. This work explores the adversity and the wilderness of the term mother, celebrating the infinite observations about the ‘mother-child relationship.’
"...always intriguing, often beautiful and thought-provoking”. -Jazzjournal
"-Emilia Mårtensson's singing bobbed and weaved like a great boxer. She lured the crowd close with a whisper, then sent them flying with a note strong as Ali's right hook. With her mass of kinky blonde curls flying about her, she stretched and cast the notes and phrases into her desired shapes. The airwaves were her clay, her sculptures instant and fleeting. No one the same as another. And every tune she took would have filled a gallery with marvels". -James Fleming (All about Jazz)